The Oasis Senior Supportive Living Inc. program is designed to strengthen and sustain healthy communities of older adults by addressing important determinants of healthy aging such as isolation, nutrition, physical fitness, and sense of purpose. It was developed as an innovative solution to support aging well at home. Oasis is founded to serve older adults who, with some support, are able to live independently. It is a concept that recognizes the importance of self-determination and offers programs based on the identified needs and wishes of Oasis members. Oasis seeks to enable seniors to remain at home and age with dignity.
The purpose of the program is to provide, through collaboration with public sector, not-for-profit, and private sector organizations, a supportive living program for older adults that builds community among members in the setting of an existing private sector apartment building, thus:

Oasis addresses the most common challenges faced by older adults living in private sector accommodation:

The support of the landlord is critically important to the program. They provide, free of charge, space within the building for communal activities.
The Value of Oasis
Oasis communities are located where there are sizable populations of older adults, for example apartments and mobile home parks, rather than creating new facilities. In doing so Oasis allows residents to build a community of support where they live, fostering social connections and self-determination.
Oasis uses existing resources and facilities within each city to offer a unique set of services based on the needs of each community.

Our Partnerships
Oasis is currently working with Queen's University, McMaster University and Western University to expand Oasis across Ontario. To learn more about the expansion, click here or email